The Principles of Karate #8
Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 8.) Karate Goes Beyond The Dojo. How we live our day-to-day...

The Principles of Karate #7
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 7.) Calamity Springs From Carelessness “Carelessness – a great...

The Principles of Karate #6
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 6.) The mind must be set free. The Chinese philosopher, Shao...

The Principles of Karate #5
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 5.) Mentality Over Technique. The fifth principle of Karate is...

The Principles of Karate #4
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 4.) First know yourself, then know others. There is a well...

The Principles of Karate #3
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 3.) Karate stands on the side of justice. Justice is defined as...

The Principles of Karate #2
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 2.) There Is No First Strike In Karate. This principle as...

The Principles of Karate #1
(Adapted from Gichin Funakoshi’s Book, The Guiding Principles of Karate) 1.) Do Not Forget That Karate-Do Begins and Ends With “Rei.” To...

Putting Bushido into Every Day Life
Martial artists who train long enough come to understand that the physical side of their training is only one part. We learn that though...

10 Things to Do When Preparing for Your Next Grading
Nothing can be more nerve racking to a Martial Artist than knowing that you are grading for your next belt. Whether it is a first grading...